
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ayam kampung cross breeding?

Telur ayam leghorn

Ayam Leghorn boleh berproduksi telur sampai 280/year
At the market ada ayam kampung ori, hutan, siam, arab, kacuk, dan baru-baru ini ada leghorn putih.
The main point,untuk ayam kampung cross breeding ini ada dua, 1)Ayam kampung untuk daging? 2)Ayam kampung untuk Telur?
sebelum ini kita mau tahu ayam-ayam ini hasil telurnya berapa:

Ayam kampung 110-130/year (kurang kalau sudah di kacuk ayam hutan)
Ayam hutan 40- 60/year
Ayam kacuk yang kaki beasr 130-160/year
Ayam Arab 150-180/year
Ayam Leghorn 200-280/year

Untuk crossbreeding kita hendak ibu kita yang bertelur banyak,lower production cost.

The secret of crossbreeding ayam adalah, tubuh badan ayam mengikut jantan, dan telurnya ikut betina. so for tujuan untuk meningkatkan telur ayam kampung adalah sebagai berikut:
1)guna ayam kampung jantan X leghorn putih----F1 50%:50%
2)ayam kampung X F1------------F2 75%:25%
dan sterusnya.
sold.....1080biji automatic incubator
building a 1080biji automatic incubator
building 1080biji automatic incubator
Another 2400 biji automatic incubator.
hatcher lama
newly build 2400 biji automatic incubator
one more 2400biji automatic incubator

Automatic Incubator capacity 2400 biji telur proudly made in Malaysia

Checklist untuk incubation dan quality anak ayam, to improve hatchability unggas,
1. Many clear eggs--telur simpan terlalu lama atau simpan dalam keadaan yang kurang baik.
2. Mortality at the blood ring stage (between 48 and 72 hours)--incorrect temperature: over heating during the first few days.
3. Many dead embryos (1-5 days) --temperature too high or too low at the start of incubation.
--incorrect turning prior to 5 days.
4. Many dead embroys (5-14 days)--improper turning.
--too high or too low temperature.
--insufficient ventilation.
5. Chicks form, but dead before pipping --incorrect humudity in incubator.
--incorrect humidity in hatcher.
--temperaure too high or too low in the incubator.
--incorrect turning.
--faulty ventilation.
6. Eggs pipped, but dead in the shell -- same as no.5 plus
-- over-heating in the hatcher
-- temperature too cold in the incubator.
7. Late hatching -- temperature too low in the incubator.
-- Humidity too high.
-- faulty ventilation.
8. Sticky chicks (fluff stuck in the body) -- temperaure too low in the incubator.
9. Early hatching --temperature too high in the incubator and hatcher.
10. chick stuck in the shell --temperature too high in the incubator.
--temperature too high in the hatcher.